I’m a little lost right now.

Let me just talk real quick about how every-time I go on this app, it feels like the layout has changed or its giving me a notification of some new feature.

To get right into things I am not moving out, at least I think. I was really hoping to, honestly it was a big part of my driving force to keep getting things done. I have been trying really HARD at school this semester, and that was a big motivator for me. The fact that i could potentially move out, but, school housing is far to expensive and my parents don’t want me doing dorm life because they think I will hate it. I mean everyone I have talked to has told me they did not like it. I guess good roommates are hard to find.

It does really suck to not be moving out, its really deflating and makes me not really want to do work haha. it was kinda one of my only motivators pushing me to finish well. Not to mention the fact that all my work for college is due within the final month because my teachers are assholes. I really do not get why teachers do that, like they’ll have everything crammed into the last 3 week of school and expect you to do well, meanwhile if you fuck up early on, you just have an F for the whole time lol. I really do not get it haha.

I mean I guess it is still good I am saving money. I only really recently made a concentrated effort to start saving so I have a tiny savings acc but its growing and I am proud of that.